Utopia The author Giuliano wrote about this program:
Here is something I never finished. Simply didn't have the time nor the concepts to make it into a fun game but it does have a scrolling isometric tile engine along with a bunch of other stuff.
Good code for snippets.

BomberMan A BomberMan clone by ShUr!k3n (Bruno
Antunes). Version 0.1b, TODOs: two player mode and AI. |

Breakout A Breakout clone by ShUr!k3n
(Bruno Antunes) |

Like the pen and paper game |

A sokoban clone with user editable levels |

Pyramid Panic preview
by VgSlag |

Dr. Mario by Haggar |

Air Hockey by indianajoneslim |

by alex_dsnews |

by Alex Carroll |

Dead Pixel Fixer
by DiabloTerrorGF |

3d wireframe
cube demo by Nils Classic 3d wireframe cube demo in LUA for PSP by Nils |

Treasure Hunt by Zach Meston |

2P pong pong game for two players |